
The projects of the company are characterized with complex, always bound together, technical decisions. During their realizations the staff uses not only the gain experience, but the contemporary technologies, materials, products and technical achievements in the area of planning and constructing.



With the professional equip of architects “ISPROEKT” offers:

  • original architectural decisions with high quality of utility and elegance
  • effective, stylish and economic reconstruction of houses, buildings and offices
  • interior design and furnishing


“ISPROEKT” has traditions and experience in creating building constructions and technology for their realization. The staff of constructor engineers offers to their clients precise, avant-garde and technically logical decisions for the planning of:

  • steal and concrete constructions
  • telecommunication towers and masts
  • reinforcement and reconstruction of existing buildings and constructions
  • constructing expert’s report
  • projects for anti- seismic insurance of buildings
  • working out general plans for technical buildings
  • projects for organization and realization of  the building works


“ISPROEKT” offers modern decisions for interior and exterior electro-installations, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning - thoroughly consistent with the latest technologies and technical achievements.

In the area of investment planning “ISPROEKT” offers following types of services:

  • pre-planning researching
  • geodesic surveying
  • geological probing
  • architectural and constructional control
  • valuation from experts
  • technical support and consultations
  • legalization of buildings and other constructions